Education sponsorship program

Children should go to school, not work. Through Heart2Heart USA, children who would have had little to no chance of an education are given the opportunity to realize their potential through education and develop a sense of confidence, capability, and self determination. Click here to learn more.

Food and nutrition

Meals are a part of tuition for school, but Heart2Heart fills in the gaps.

  • Milk Program: Heart2Heart pays for all of our students to receive milk, a nutritious addition to their diet they would not otherwise receive. $11.00 supplies milk to 1 students for 3 months.

  • Food for Home Program: We also supply basic food and necessities when students go home to their guardians on school holiday. This program provides cooking oil, maize, or sugar and other basic supplies to help ease the stress of food insecurity for the student's parent or guardian when their student returns home for a holiday; $30.00

Medicine and healthcare

Most children suffer from chronic Malaria. To prevent and treat this, we always keep our students supplied with mosquito nets and Malarial, diarrhea, cough, and ring worm medicine. $20 will buy a mosquito net and $50 will help keep each of these essential medicines stocked and available.

School Shoes


We are literally raising seed money. One of our students has finished high school and is living on the land he and his brothers inherited. He needs help renting oxen to cultivate the land and purchasing seeds and saplings to plant on the shamba (small farm). We want to raise $350.00 to help him grow.