Educating all children is important, but girls have a long way to catch up. That’s why Heart2Heart is committed to increasing the percentage of girls in the Education program to 63%

Through our Education Sponsorship Program, children who had no hope of an education are succeeding in ways even they had imagined. Education has the power to break the cycle of unrelenting poverty. During our site visit (annually when COVID permits), children literally beg us to send them to school. If we can't send them to school, then they ask for pencils or paper. The children we meet know the importance of education and many become very dedicated students.

Education Sponsorship for primary school students costs $42.00 per month or $504.00 per year. This covers the student's tuition, school uniform, necessities, and basic medical care for a full school year. Sponsorship can be paid in increments (monthly, quarterly) in total.

How to Become a Sponsor

Once you have made the decision to be a child's Education Sponsor you can view some of the students who are in need of sponsors or let us choose a child most in need. Call us at: (203) 506-3619 with your decision and we will send you a short biography, photo, and Welcome Package with helpful information.

We will then contact our partners, Hope Community Based Organization (HCBO) in Awendo, Kenya, with the good news. The child will be placed in their appropriate and you will receive a letter and report card at the end of each term (three times a year). Heart2Heart USA wants to encourage sharing letters between sponsor and student. your Welcome Package will explain this in greater detail.

St. Benedict’s Academy SONY

Meet Happy

Happy is in Grade 1 in an ill-funded public school. She loves to sing! Her mother is widowed, ill, and lives in ver poor conditions. If Happy is able to go to school she will receive nutritional food, medical are, and an education that can lead to a life of sel-determination. She will also be able to help her family and community. $42.00 a month can change the life of a vulneralbe you girl.

Educate a Girl - Change the World.

Would you consider sponsorship of Happy to help her go to school?

If you would like to contribute to Happy' s success, we've outlined her yearly costs below. All contributions are welcome.

  • Tuition: $300.00 a year. Includes food, board, necessities, medical care, and transportation

  • School Holiday food and necessities (three times a year): $120.00

  • Uniform:$75.00

  • Pocket Money: $9.00

  • TOTAL: $504.00

An Educated Girl will invest nearly all (90%) of her income into her family and community (Phil Borges, Women Empowered: Inspiring Change in the Emerging World, 2007)

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